Nicolaaskerk Kloosterburen
Nicolaaskerk Kloosterburen
Understanding each other in church
In the heart of Kloosterburen stands the monumental Nicholas Church on top of the mound. With a tower dating back to the late Middle Ages and a nave rebuilt again in the 19th century. The tower is owned by the Groninger Kerken Foundation and the church space itself is owned by the Sint Jan Foundation (the real estate management organization of the village/care cooperative Klooster&Buren). The church was extensively restored in 2019 and early 2020. The benches have been removed and a beautiful open floor has been created with a public gallery. Ideal for concerts, theatre, gatherings, training and yoga classes. The floor and walls of the church have underfloor heating and the windows are insulated from the inside by placing double secondary windows. This gives the church a pleasant indoor climate in all seasons.
However, the interventions in the interior did mean that the acoustics in the church produced a strong reverberation. To an extent that made it impossible to properly follow meetings, drama and gatherings. SintJan Foundation asked Still Design for advice. After careful measurement of the acoustics, the consultants were able to indicate how much sound-absorbing material had to be installed. Because walls were not available due to the wall heating and covering the stands was not an option, objects in the room had to be searched for. The solution was to hang two 'stars' of acoustic material. After mounting, the effect was immediately noticeable. A normal conversation can be had again! Visually, the solution also proved to be popular with many visitors. A nice combination between functional design and historical context. And there is enough reverberation to make music sound nice.
"We can have a normal conversation again!"