Core Working Concept
Core Working Concept by Still Design
The Core Working Concept originated from our view of the future way of working. What we have seen a lot after working from home during the corona period is that offices are becoming more meeting places for colleagues. As a result, there is less need for traditional workplaces and more need for formal / informal meeting places, concentration workplaces where people can work for a few hours, landing places where the mail can be updated, rooms where calls can be made and online meetings can be held, without to be a nuisance to others and places where presentations can be made. An office has actually become much more dynamic, where there is much more response to the different needs that exist on the work floor.
With Still Design, we have been facilitating this for years with our Bubble program, where we offer silent cabins in various sizes and designs. Think of call booths, concentration workplaces, 1 on 1 meeting places and meeting rooms/presentation rooms for 4 people to more than 20 people.
With a new concept we want to be able to respond even better to the needs of the user who come to see a new dynamic office. With this new concept, Bubbles are combined with open cabins that can be arranged in various ways. Think of train seating arrangements where consultations can take place, landing places to update the mail, but also copy rooms, coffee corners or entire pantries.
The whole can be used in two ways. You can use it to create the core of your office, around which possible workplaces can be placed. Or the modules can be placed against the wall, where necessary. This is how: Core Working Concept & Wall Working Concept
The difference between our Bubbles and the other cabins is that our Bubbles are really aimed at complete privacy in sound. The other cabins have a more open character where sound is dampened by means of the acoustic material on the walls and ceilings, making them more suitable for more informal meetings.
The cabins are constructed from steel cube frames that are easy to connect. The acoustic inner walls can then be placed in the frame and the outer wall can be clicked onto the cabin from the outside to close it off completely. An acoustic roof and a floor then complete the whole.